It is a strange conceit of humans that their thoughts, once committed to the printed page, are charged with great significance and are therefore eminently readable. Sadly, in this computer age individual thoughts, inscribed in pixels rather than ink, are all too often completely obscured by the sheer volume of competing voices all clamoring to be heard. The reader is completely overwhelmed and often too distracted by a colorful page here, a flashy logo there, to settle on any one page for long. Patience for mature thought is in short supply. With this in mind, this writer will be brief and 'get to the point' of the matter. Moon Katty Studios is officially open for business! Feel free to explore all the products, etc, exhibited here. And if you find that virtual browsing is not enough for you, you know what to do.
Yay! I get to be the first commenter! I'm so impressed with your online debut! You've debuted as a fully mature online presence with your Flickr gallery, Artfire shop and blog. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteThank you! You've been so supportive of my efforts. I appreciate it!