Circuses seem like disheveled, congested, crazy places. And clowns? Let's not go there. when I was a little girl, my father took me to see the famous Ringling Brothers/ Barnum & Bailey Circus. I hated it. Really hated it. So who would have imagined that I would fall in love with the Cirque du Soleil as an adult? It is an astonishing show. People that can do the most unreal things with their incredibly flexible bodies. And clowns. Yes, clowns. Eerie, mysterious, beautiful clowns. Clowns that make your imagination soar, that provide oodles of ideas for artistic creations. Cirque du Soleil is highly imaginative, with original music performed at each show. I saw the Mystere show at Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas. Please don't miss it. Even if you think clowns are scary.
(Beads featured in this post are available in my Artfire shop)
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